Generating an Angular 5 Application
Angular 5 applications are faster, lighter, and easy to use. They have material design capabilities to build beautiful and intuitive UIs .
Create a new project
open a terminal window.
Generate a new project and default app by running the following command.
ng new Angular-five
The Angular CLI installs the necessary npm packages, creates the project files, and populates the project with a simple default app.
Serve the application
Go to the project directory and launch the server.
cd Angular-five
ng serve -o
The ng serve command launches the server.
Using the --open (or just -o) option will automatically open your browser on
Edit your Angular-five application
Lets change the title property from 'app' to 'My first Angular app!'.
First open angular component . First angular component created for you . It is named app-root and it is root component , it is in ./src/app/app.component.ts
Open the file and change title as below,
export class AppComponent {
title = "My first Angular app!";
So when changed browser reload automatically with new title. After reload its show ‘Welcome to My first Angular app !’ top of the angular image icon.
Welcome to My first Angular app !